Wednesday, August 17, 2011

4 Months

Caden turned 4 months old at the end of July.  We had his 4 month check-up the first part of August.  His stats are below.  Our major concern for this visit and actually since birth as been his head shape.  He still has quite a slant in the back.  A lot of this we feel is, (1)due to delivery and how long he was in the birthing canal and (2)he was a bigger baby so didn't have a lot of wiggle room in the womb.  Our pediatrician recommend we go to Cranial Technologies and look into the DOC Band.  We have done the consultation and we have decided to go ahead and proceed with the DOC Band.  More on that in a future post. 

I can't tell you how much I love this little boy! He is so much fun.  He is smiling and laughing all the time and really such a great baby.  I just cherish every second I get with him. 

Weight 15lbs (44 percentile)
Height 25 1/2 inches (63 percentile)

Some 4 month pictures...

Last week I had to take my first trip for work and left my boys on their own.  It was a very sad scene in the car on the way to the airport, the tears were just flowing.  I did get Caden dropped off at daycare and to the car before the waterworks started.  I knew Caden was in good hands with Daddy, I just couldn't stand the fact of not seeing him for a few days.  Brett did a great job while I was gone and I appreciate what a great father and husband he is.  I was so anxious and excited to get home once the plane landed on Wednesday.  I rushed to my car only to find out it wouldn't start! Dead battery!Luckily the airport has a service and someone was quick to jump my car and I was on my way.

Few pictures from the weekend...

Below is a short video of Caden talking with a nice surprise ending!
We still have a constant spitting up issue we are dealing with as well.

We tried rice cereal for the first time this weekend.  I figured Caden would be all about it but he wanted nothing to do with it.  He puts everything in his mouth these days but would not let that spoon get in there.  We have tried a couple more times but he doesn't really seem to care for it.  So for now, I am putting the cereal in his bottle trying to get him use to the taste.  I think we might try a vegetable this weekend.  

 A few pictures of our first cereal experience...
Not quite sure...
Nope, not having it...

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