Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Life at Home

Life at home has been great!  We are adjusting as a new family and loving every second we can spend with Cade.  We are so thankful for our happy and healthy boy.  Here are some pictures that we have taken over the last couple weeks.  We can't believe our little one is already 3 weeks old.  Time is going to fast!
Already spoiled by his auntie...
Grandpa and Cade...
The England's came over to visit...
Sleepy days...
Cade's first bath at home...
Daddy's first time to get to feed...
Papa and Cade...
Nana and Cade...
Watching the Texas Rangers opening day with daddy...
Sporting my "daddy's all star" outfit...
The Smith's got to come spend a few days with us!
Aunt Sara and Cade...
Uncle John and Cade...
Ella and Cade...
Ella and Braxton got to have their play date...
2 week appointment...
Daddy and I decided to get out one night for dinner while Mimi babysat.  Mommy of course cried leaving Cade for the first time but knew he was in good hands with Mimi.  Here is our attempt of a family photo...


Kelly said...

He is perfect! I love the color of his hair!

Courtney Edwards said...

Congratulations, he is precious!! So happy for you!