Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Birth Story

Cade arrived on Wednesday, March 23rd.  We woke up that morning and started getting ready for work like usual. Brett left and I was still getting ready when I felt a trickle.  At first I wasn't positive that it was my water breaking since it wasn't the big gush I was expecting.  I called Brett and let him know that I was going to call the doctor when they opened and work from home for the day.  As more time passed, I realized my water had indeed broke and it was time.  I talked to the nurse and she said to head up to the hospital.  I called Brett and let him know that today was the day! Of course, he had just gotten to work, got his coffee and turned on his computer. Luckily, I was not having contractions yet because it was now rush hour traffic and it took him an hour to get home.  The nurse called me back to let me know that the hospital of our choice (Baylor Frisco) was at full capacity and we might have to wait a bit for a room.  We really liked Baylor and had heard great things about it so we decided to take the chance and go up there.  We packed a few last minute items, dropped Allie off at doggie daycare and headed to the hospital.   We did have to wait a bit before getting into our labor and delivery room but it was not bad at all and everyone was very apologetic.  At our doctor's appointment on Monday, I was dilated to 4cm.  I was still at 4 cm when we arrived at the hospital so they got me hooked up to the iv's and then started the pitocin.  After awhile I started to feel the contractions so I went ahead and asked for the epidural.  Both my mom and Terry and Brett's parents were able to make it by late afternoon.  The epidural had kicked in at this point so I was able to relax and visit with them until I was further dilated.  My dad, Christie and Braxton also came up a little later.  We started pushing around 8 pm but the nurse decided that we needed to wait a little longer and lessen the epidural.  About an hour later we started pushing again.  I pushed for about an hour and half and Caden was born at 10:35 pm that night! It was a long day but worth every second once we saw our precious son! Also, I have to mention how great of a coach Brett was.  He was so calm and encouraging throughout the whole day.  I could not have asked for a better husband!
Some pictures before Caden's arrival...

 Ready to start pushing...
14 hours of labor and Caden has arrived...

 First time getting to hold him...
 Happy and healthy...
 Proud daddy...
 First picture as a family of three...
Family getting to meet Cade for the first time...
Look at all that hair...
 Aunt Christie...
 Nana and Papa
 Mimi and Papa...
 Brett and Cade...
Cade's first bath in the hospital...
 All bundled up and ready for his first night...
More of our days as a family of three to come...

1 comment:

Paige said...

How cute!!!! Congratulations Butlers!