Saturday, November 12, 2011

Caden Lately

Once again, I feel like time is flying by.  We have been busy the last few weeks.  From birthday parties, weddings, baby arrivals (congrats Sara & Allison), Halloween we have been on the go.  I didn't do very well with pictures of any of these occasions but here are ones we did get.  

These were Caden's 6 month school pictures that I forgot to add to the last posting...

One of the most exciting events, Caden graduated from his Doc Band.  They did recommend that we go with a second band but we felt the first one did a good enough job.  Although, it wasn't too painful of a process it is so nice having it gone! Caden is much happier as well! Here is a picture from my phone of our last appointment....

Some 7 months pictures of Caden...

It is getting harder to get pictures of Caden sitting still for his monthly chair pictures...

Look our our little man... he is getting so big!
First time swinging at the park...
At daycare, they had a pumpkin patch where the kids all got to pick a pumpkin and decorate it.  Here is Caden out picking his pumpkin...
and decorating it (and himself)...
They also did trick or treating to all of the other rooms...
Is this not the cutest little monkey you have ever seen!

Halloween night...

Waiting for tricker/treaters to hand out candy...

Hanging out with daddy for his birthday! 

We just love our little monkey and enjoy every second with him.  He is getting so big (over 18 lbs now!) and is such a happy and care-free little boy.  He is doing the army crawl and I think we only have a matter of days before we have a full on crawler. 

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