Thursday, June 10, 2010

May Visitors

Christie and Braxton came for a visit in May.  I picked her up Saturday morning from the airport and we did a few quick shopping trips and spent the evening at the house.  Sunday morning, Christie and Braxton came with me to church since I was my teaching Sunday school.  Braxton fit in pretty well with my little two's and three's and the kids loved Christie.  After church, we went to Snuffers for lunch. 
Look how cute Braxton is in his purple shirt...
Braxton and I trying to coax the ball away from Allie...
One evening, we went on a walk to the park.  Braxton decided he wanted to give Allie her walk so he held on to the leash while mom pushed him in his stroller.
We have this cool little area at the park that shoots water up, Braxton & Allie loved running through it...
Time for bed but not before a goodnight story from Brett...
Braxton loves his mommy...
Terry had a meeting in Allen, so mom and him were in town for a few days and then stayed for the weekend.   
Brett and Braxton playing "who can grab the card the fastest".  Braxton loved this game!  
On Saturday night, we went down to area called Watters Creek in Allen and had dinner.  Brett had class that weekend so he wasn't able to join us. 
We had a great weekend.  Thanks mom and Terry for everything!!

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